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claim payments中文是什么意思

用"claim payments"造句"claim payments"怎么读"claim payments" in a sentence


  • 要求索赔


  • " all my claim payment were settled unexpectedly fast and that made myself worry - free . " ( translation from chinese )
    “赔偿的速度和效率比预期中快,令本人十分放心。 ”
  • For a self - employed person who claims payment on grounds of total incapacity , there is no need to produce an employer letter
  • Fax the bar - coded request for claim payment form as a cover page , along with the required documents listed , to 1 - 888 - 458 - 7703
    将带有条形码的"索赔支付请求"表格当作封面,连同列出的必需文档一起传真至1 - 888 - 458 - 7703 。
  • For a self - employed person or a former self - employed person who claims payment on grounds of total incapacity , there is no need to produce an employer letter
  • It concerns basis of liability distribution , premium & claim , ceding commission , premium reserve & loss reserve and claim payment . 2 . application
  • The pilot will assess the impact of electronic claims attachments on claims payments , including a comparison of transactions handled on paper , and it will document early benefits of an automated process
  • Complete the request for claim payment form ( using black ink only ) with the lesser of your actual cost , replacement cost if the merchandise can be replaced or repair cost if the merchandise can be repaired , and transportation charges
用"claim payments"造句  
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